Children With Persistent Otitis Media: Audiometric and Tympanometric Findings

• Audiometric and tympanometric findings were compared among 129 patients with clinically manifest persistent otitis media (OM) with effusion. Ears with thick effusion (mucoid OM) had significantly larger air-bone gaps and higher prevalence of flat tympanograms than either of the thin effusion types (purulent [POM] or serous OM [SOM]) or ears with no effusion (dry). Ears with thin effusion (POM and SOM) had similar air-bone gaps, thresholds for air and bone conduction, and prevalences of flat and underpressure tympanograms. Ears with no effusion had significantly smaller air-bone gaps, slightly poorer bone conduction thresholds, and lower prevalence of flat tympanograms than ears with effusion (MOM, POM and SOM). Ears with clinically manifest OM and no effusion at tympanocentesis appear to represent patients with a spontaneously resolved episode of OM with thin effusion (POM or SOM) or with ears that evacuated during anesthesia prior to tympanostomy. (Arch Otolaryngol 1983;109:360-363)

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