Electron Microscopy in the Diagnosis of Percutaneous Fine Needle Aspiration Specimens

Five years experience in the application of electron microscopy to fine needle aspiration biopsy specimens is reviewed. In an initial evaluation, 200 consecutive unselected specimens were examined; 89 proved diagnostic and, in a third of these, electron microscopy gave additional information that was often essential to diagnosis. Negative specimens resulted almost entirely from failure to obtain an adequate amount of material. Results were improved by the adoption of a preparation technique involving concentration of the cells in bovine serum albumin and by the inspection of a rapidly stained smear at the time of the aspiration procedure, with a further needle pass for electron microscopy being performed if necessary. Despite the small size of specimens, adequate examination was usually possible and electron microscopy has proved of value in the diagnosis of tumor samples acquired by fine needle aspiration in the same way as has been established with the larger sized specimens obtained by conventional biopsy and surgical resection.