Encephalomyocarditis virus disease of pigs associated with a plague of rodents

SUMMARY An epizootic of encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) disease in pigs in the central west of New South Wales in association with a plague of mice (Mus musculus) in 1984 is described. The disease was confirmed in 47 outbreaks in 37 piggeries and 1152 pigs died, representing an overall death rate of 17.4% in pigs considered at risk. The disease was diagnosed in both intensively housed pigs and pigs farmed outdoors, with mortality rates higher in piggeries with less than 50 sows. The age at which pigs died ranged from 4 days to 24 weeks with higher death rates in younger pigs. Serological testing of pigs slaughtered at Blayney abattoir indicated EMCV infection to be more widespread than the disease reported. Mice were present in all piggeries reporting the disease while rats were present in 66% of the outbreaks. The role of rodents as natural reservoirs of EMCV and the possibility of variations in pathogenicity amongst strains of the virus are discussed.