Slides pretreated for C-banding and stained with DAPI or CMA3 show different banding patterns in human metaphase chromosomes compared to those obtained with either standard Giemsa C-banding or fluorochrome staining alone. Human chromosomes show C-plus DA-DAPI banding after C-banding plus DAPI and enhanced R-banding after C-banding plus Chromomycin A3 staining. If C-banding preferentially removes certain classes of DNA and proteins from different chromosome domains, C-banding pretreatment may cause a differential DNA extraction from G- and R-bands in human chromosomes, resulting in a preferential extraction of DNA included in G-bands. This hypothesis is partially supported by the selective cleavage and removal of DNA from R-bands of restriction endonuclease HaeIII with C-banding combined with DAPI or Chromomycin A3 staining. Structural factors relating to regional differences in DNA and/or proteins could also explain these results.