The lateral geometry transistor has shown itself to be highly useful in the realization of low-frequency integrated circuits. This simple structure has been limited essentially to dc applications, however, by bandwidth and switching time performance. The p-n-p device to be described in this paper substantially overcomes these deficiencies by the addition of an n+ diffusion directly beneath the emitter region. As a result of the steeper gradient at the bulk, or planar, portion of the emitter-base junction, injection occurs primarily near the surface. It is possible to control the dimensions of the buried layer such that injection of carriers greater than a few micrometers from the collector will be minimized. A further consequence of the n+ region is the introduction of a graded base such that minority carrier transport is enhanced. The improved transistor structure has demonstrated the feasibility of obtaining an f_{T} of 10 MHz to 20 MHz at collector currents of 100 µA and rise, fall, and storage times in the tens of nanoseconds.