Gale, J. L (Dept. Epidemiology and International Health, School of Public Health and Community Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.), Grayston, J. T., Beasley, R. P., Detels, R., and Kim, K. S. W. The epidemiology of rubella on Taiwan. II. 1968–1969 epidemic. Int. J. Epid. 1972,1 : 253–260. Epidemic rubella occurred on Taiwan in 1968–1969 after absence of the disease from the island for 10 years. Attack rates were highest (84 per cent by serology) in school children born since the previous outbreak living in cities of the northern portion of the island. The epidemic ran its course in a single wave, in the north in 1968. Attack rates were much lower in 1968 in the central and southern portions of the island. A second wave of cases occurred in the south during the spring of 1969, but the disease did not recur in 1970 or 1971, despite remaining susceptibles. Change in season appeared to stop propagation of this rubella epidemic, with transmission of the disease not occurring in the hot summer months.