Lens epithelium-derived growth factor (LEDGF) delays photoreceptor degeneration in explants of rd/rd mouse retina

Lens epithelium derived growth factor (LEDGF) has been shown to rescue embryonic chick photoreceptor cells from serum starvation and heat stress, light damaged photoreceptor cells in Lewis rats, and photoreceptor cells in RCS rats. The aim of our study is to study the rescue effect of LEDGF on photoreceptor cells in the rd/rd mouse using our long-term serum free organ culture. At the end of this culture period of 21–26 days LEDGF treated rd mouse retina showed an increased photoreceptor survival compared to the untreated controls. LEDGF has no effect on expression and localization of opsin and arrestin in the rod photoreceptor cells when RPE is present. The protective potency of LEDGF on the retinal photoreceptor cells is similar to that of BDNF. LEDGF is known to activate heat shock proteins (Hsps) and the elevated Hsps are also reported to suppress apoptosis.