Strophanthin, ouabain, strophosid, digalen, digoxin, digitalin (Nativelle, M), digitalin (Nativelle, v) and lanatoside C were studied in order to discover the best means of bringing about rapid digitalization in patients with auricular fibrillation and failure. Digoxin and lanatoside C proved to be best and digita-line Nativelle was about as efficient. Digoxin 1.5 mg. intraven. or 2-3 mg. orally or lanatoside C 1.5 mg. intraven. can bring about digitalization within 2 hrs. Digoxin by mouth is an effective method for causing a full effect within 4 hrs. It is not often necessary to cause an effect in less than 2-3 hrs, hence digoxin orally is considered the best way to induce rapid digitalization.

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