The use of laparoscopy in the management of nonpalpable undescended testes

The stable incidence of undescended nonpalpable testes and the ever-progressing utilization of laparoscopy has led to the commonplace utilization of laparoscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of these nonpalpable testes. The historical published literature is ambiguous with regard to recommendations regarding the use of laparoscopy in the setting of nonpalpable testes. As a result, this review is timely and necessary in that it is important for the practicing physician and surgeon to review and have available to them the current recommendations for the management of patients with nonpalpable testes. With ongoing advances of minimally invasive surgery in the face of the limitations of both ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging, the use of laparoscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of nonpalpable testes is now commonplace. Several reports recommend laparoscopy as the gold standard for the evaluation and treatment of nonpalpable testes, allowing for localization of the testis, characterization of the testis and associated structures (vas deferens, testicular vessels) and subsequent treatment options. Because of the superior diagnostic capabilities and the ability to provide therapeutic interventions, laparoscopy should be used in the evaluation and treatment of all patients with nonpalpable testes.