Elasticp−pscattering at 796 MeV in the Coulomb-nuclear interference region

By measuring the energy of recoil particles, the following data have been obtained at an incident proton energy of 796 MeV: (1) the differential cross section for proton-proton (pp) elastic scattering at laboratory angles between 1.37° and 6.40°, and (2) the analyzing power for pp elastic scattering at laboratory angles between 3.13° and 6.40°. Analyses of these data have determined certain parameters characterizing the nuclear amplitude for pp elastic scattering. The ratio ρ of the real to the imaginary parts of the forward pp spin independent amplitude was found to be + 0.005±0.04. The ratio R of the summed moduli squared of the forward pp double spin flip scattering amplitudes to the modulus squared of the forward pp spin independent amplitude was found to be 0.16±0.03. The real and imaginary parts of the pp spin orbit scattering amplitude divided by sinθ were found to be 0.72±0.05 and 0.18±0.11 fm, respectively. These values are compared with results of recent phase-shift analyses and forward dispersion relation calculations.