The MSP1 Gene Is Necessary to Restrict the Number of Cells Entering into Male and Female Sporogenesis and to Initiate Anther Wall Formation in Rice

Plant architecture results from the activity of the shoot apical meristem, which initiates leaves, internodes, and axillary meristems. KNOTTED1-like homeobox (KNOX) genes are expressed in specific patterns in the shoot apical meristem and play important roles in plant architecture. KNOX proteins interact with BEL1-like (BELL) homeodomain proteins and together bind a target sequence with high affinity. We have obtained a mutation in one of the Arabidopsis BELL genes, PENNYWISE (PNY), that appears phenotypically similar to the KNOX mutant brevipedicellus (bp). Both bp and pny have randomly shorter internodes and display a slight increase in the number of axillary branches. The double mutant shows a synergistic phenotype of extremely short internodes interspersed with long internodes and increased branching. PNY is expressed in inflorescence and floral meristems and overlaps with BP in a discrete domain of the inflorescence meristem where we propose the internode is patterned. The physical association of the PNY and BP proteins suggests that they participate in a complex that regulates early patterning events in the inflorescence meristem.