Use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging for the Evaluation of Vascular Malformations of the Lower Extremity

Vascular malformations are anatomically subdivided according to the predominant channel anomaly into either capillary, arterial, venous, lymphatic, or combinations. They can be further subdivided into high- or low-flow malformations. Any lesion that has an arterial component is considered a high-flow malformation. Once the diagnosis of a vascular malformation is made, it is of paramount importance to define not only the flow characteristics but also the full range of extension, because the prognosis and appropriate treatment vary substantially for each type of anomaly. The two most useful noninvasive imaging techniques for assessing vascular malformations are magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasonography. The aim of this review is to give surgeons involved in treating patients with vascular malformations an opportunity to gain some background on MRI scans when assessing vascular malformations. Although MRI is a powerful modality for assessing vascular malformations, we will also discuss some of the limitations of MRI. We further suggest a diagnostic flow chart developed on the basis of MRI features designed to help determine the composition of a vascular birthmark when intervention is anticipated. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 108: 870, 2001.)