Pseudoscorpions are minute animals only a few millimeters long, with the general appearance of diminutive scorpions except that they have no tails. They belong to the large phylum of joint-legged animals, the Arthropoda, and to the class Arachnida. which, in addition to the pseudoscorpions, embraces the spiders, mites, ticks, scorpions, and other related groups. Pseudoscorpions are seclusive in habit, occurring in soil cover and rotten logs, under bark, and in similar places out of doors: one species is found in houses. In their natural habitat, these little brown animals arc difficult to see. especially when they draw in their legs and "play possum." In this position they look like little specks of dirt. Probably because pseudoscorpions are inconspicuous, few collections of the group have been made in the past, and the fauna, at least of North America, and especially of the central and north-central United States, has remained scantily known. The object of this report is twofold, first to present illustrated keys and descriptions for the identification of species in this region, and, secondly, to summarize information regarding the distribution, biology, and habitat preferences of the species. As an aid in use of the keys, a section has been included on morphology, in which the structures now considered of major taxonomic importance are explained. Summarizing the distribution has been especially difficult because many identifications made prior to Chamberlin's work are probably incorrect and should be rechecked before they are cited. Because of this situation there is little accurate information to serve as a guide in foretelling what additional described species may be collected in Illinois. In order to make this report of wide application, the keys have been made to include all the genera known from the central and northeastern portions of the United States and adjacent portions of Canada.