Acute Respiratory Responses of the Mouse to Chlorine

In human subjects 15-min exposure to 0.5–1.0 ppm chlorine gas causes a nasal obstructive response in the absence of a marked sensation of irritation. The current investigation was designed to assess the response of the mouse for comparative purposes. Respiratory physiological responses were measured in female C57Bl/6J mice exposed to 0.8 to 4.0 ppm chlorine gas. Chlorine was a potent sensory irritant with an RD50 of 2.3 ppm. The gas produced airway obstruction as indicated by a concentration-dependent increase in specific airways resistance (sRaw) during the 15-min exposure. At 0.8 ppm, chlorine produced only mild sensory irritation (97%) in that site and produced an obstructive response that was of sufficient magnitude to account for the entire response observed in the intact animal. In summary, chlorine gas produces an immediate nasal obstructive response in the mouse that appears to be similar to that in the human.