According to the F.A.O., ‘IPM [integrated pest management; i.p.m.] is a pest management system that, in the context of the associated environment and the population dynamics of pest species, utilizes all suitable techniques and methods in as compatible a manner as possible and maintains the pest populations at levels below those causing economic injury.’ A number of national and international policy statements demonstrate that the agrochemical industry endorses the principles of i.p.m. and supports their application and further extension in practice. Industry will continue to participate actively by making contributions to the scientific information base, by offering technical solutions and by assisting in the educational process. An analysis of the present state and future development of the science and technology of i.p.m. components shows that extended realization in practice will be a slow and gradual process. The short and medium term contribution of industry will concentrate on improved uses of currently available pesticides in terms of timing, formulation and application technology, etc. In the long term and provided that the economic objectives are justified, industry will successively make available a set of new and more selective biologically active products.

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