Energies and widths of (1s23l3l) resonant states of C2+, N3+, O4+, and Ne6+

We report theoretical results for autoionizing states of systems with a closed-shell core and that lie above several ionization thresholds. The energy positions and widths are given for the (1s23l3l) S1 and P1,3 resonant states of the C2+, N3+, O4+, and Ne6+ ions, which are of great experimental interest at the present moment. Our results show that a generalization of the method of F. Martín et al. [Europhys. Lett. 4, 799 (1987); J. Chem. Phys. 87, 6635 (1987)] provides a very useful and simple procedure to obtain energy positions and resonance widths, as well as the contributions of the different continua to the width.