An operative method for treating chronic frontal sinusitis is described. The method involves ablation of the frontal sinus by autogenous osteoplasty through a curved incision from the ridge of the nose to the underside of the eyebrow with an auxiliary incision up toward the forehead. The anterior wall of the frontal sinus is removed by drilling, and the mucosa of the frontal sinus is meticulously withdrawn. The upper opening of the nasofrontal duct is hermetically sealed with a peg of bone taken from the iliac crest. The whole frontal sinus is then filled with spongiosa from the iliac crest. The anterior wall of the frontal sinus is reconstructed to its normal configuration with mosaic plastics of cortical bone. The incision is closed without drainage and dressed with a compression bandage. This method has been used in operations on 11 patients in the years 1965-70, with excellent results.