Treatment of Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Bladder with Hematoporphyrin Derivative Phototherapy

The demonstration that i.v. administered hematoporphyrin derivative concentrates preferentially in dysplastic and neoplastic transitional cells in the human bladder prompted a trial of hematoporphyrin derivative phototherapy in patients with transitional cell cancer of the bladder. A dose of 2.5 mg per kg, was given i.v. 3-48 h before treatment with light of a wavelength of 630 nm. from an argon ion pumped dye laser. Total light dose of .apprx. 150 J/cm2. Patients (4) with resistant carcinoma in situ were treated; disappearance of the tumors were proved by biopsy in all cases. Although there are many technical problems, hematoporphyrin derivative phototherapy holds promise as an effective treatment modality, primarily for patients with resistant, recurrent in situ transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder.