The Effect of Heptachlor and Toxaphene on Stand of Ladino Clover

A tall fescue (F. elatior)-ladino white clover (T. repens) sod was treated with 3 lbs. /acre of heptachlor and with sprays of 2 lbs./acre of toxaphene at 10-day intervals during the growing seasons of 1956-1959. Adequate soil fertility was maintained, but no nitrogen fertilizer was applied. Periodic mowings to simulate grazing were carried out but no significant differences in yield occurred. No effects of insecticides on clover population were observed in 1956 and 1957 when clover stand was less than 30%. In 1958 and 1959, when percent clover in stand was superior to 30% applications of heptachlor in both years and toxaphene in one resulted in doubling percent clover in the stands. Fescue stands were not affected by insecticide treatments. No insect counts were made, and effect of insecticides on insect popula- tions is not known. Possibility of stimulation of clover growth or depression of fescue growth are other possible explanations.

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