Corneal wound healing and the many factors which may promote or prevent it are of concern to both clinicians and researchers. Ophthalmologists are often confronted with corneal dystrophies and problematic injuries resulting in persistent and recurrent epithelial erosion and with permanent endothelial loss. Scientists have long noted that corneal epithelial and endothelial cell layers are among the most simple and accessible for experimental manipulation and non-invasive study in both animal and human models. Healing epithelium provides a classical model of cell locomotion over a surface, while endothelial cell viability and function is of fundamental importance to maintenance of corneal clarity and vision during the aging process as well as after disease, surgery, or laser treatment. Growth factors can now be produced homogeneously by genetic engineering, increasing the potential of commercial development for purposes such as corneal wound healing. This article reviews some known properties of growth factors whose effects have been at least partially characterized in corneal tissues.