Cerebral cortex in snakes consists of three neuronal layers. Layer 1 contains primarily axons and dendrites ascending from lower layers, but does contain a few neurons. Layer 2 is characterized by the presence of many densely packed somas. Layer 3 usually contains many loosely packed somas. A layer of columnar ependymal cells lies beneath layer 3. Ependymal cells have processes which extend through layer 3 and into layer 2. Four cortical areas are defined by regional variations in the three neuronal layers. They form rostrocaudally aligned strips in the hemisphere and are named according to their position. Medial cortex contains small, densely packed neurons in layer 2 whose dendrites ramify primarily in layer 1 in a candelabra pattern. Dorsomedial cortex contains large, loosely packed neurons in layer 2 whose dendrites ramify in both layers 1 and 3 in a double pyramidal configuration. Dorsal cortex contains a moderate number of circular and fusiform neurons in layers 2 and 3 which have double pyramidal or stellate dendritic fields. Lateral cortex contains many loosely packed circular somas in layers 2 and 3 which have stellate or double pyramidal dendritic fields.