Enterobacter bacteremia. An analysis of 50 episodes

During a 6-yr period, 147 patients had Enterobacter bacteremia (3.8% of the episodes of bacteremia), with an incidence of 1.25/1000 admitted patients. A random group of 50 cases was chosen for analysis. The disease was community acquired in 24% of the cases and nosocomially acquired in the remaining 76%. The bacteremia was unimicrobial in 70% and part of a polymicrobial bacteremia in 30%. The species most commonly causing bacteremia was E. cloaceae. Portals of entry, in decreasing order of frequency, were unknown, surgical wound, respiratory tract and urinary tract. The most common clinical finding was fever (92%). Shock occurred in 30% of the patients and only 2 patients had evidence of disseminated intravascular coagulation. Of the Enterobacter isolates, 12% were resistant to gentamicin. Overall mortality was 42%; factors associated with a poor prognosis were inadequacy of antimicrobial chemotherapy, septic shock, type of underlying disease, clinical condition and requirement of intensive care.