Analysis ofγpReactions in a Hydrogen Bubble Chamber to 6.0 BeV: Cross Sections and Laboratory Distributions

This paper gives an account of the experimental arrangement, the beam properties, and the methods of data analysis for a study of photon reactions in hydrogen at energies up to 6 BeV. The values of cross sections as a function of photon energy are presented for γ+pp+π0, γ+pn+π+, γ+pp+π++π, γ+pn+π++π++π, γ+pp+π++π+π0, γ+pp+π++π++π+π, and γ+p(strangeparticles), as well as a lower limit for the γ+p total cross section. In addition, momentum and angular distributions in the laboratory system are given for protons and charged pions from the non-strange-particle reactions.