ZNtopology and charge confinement inSU(N)Higgs models. II

We analyze a mechanism of quark confinement by making use of a frozen Higgs model. By summing up all possible modes of topological excitations, we derive an effective Lagrangian of the model in the strong-coupling regime. These excitations are magnetic ZN vortices and magnetic ZN monopoles, which are labeled by the magnetic weight lattice and by the magnetic root lattice of SU(N), respectively. The effective Lagrangian is shown to contain electric ZN vortices and electric ZN charges as topological excitations, which are labeled by the electric weight lattice and by the electric root lattice of SU(N), respectively. From this fact we conclude that the SU(N) Higgs model gives the N-ality confinement of quarks in the strong-coupling regime.