Experimental Oncology Differential expression of TIS21 and TIS1 genes in the various organs of Balb/c mice, thymic carcinoma tissues and human cancer cell lines

As a part of a series of investigations on the functions of TIS21 and TIS1 genes, we measuredin vivo 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) inducibility of primary response genes (TIS21, TIS8 and TIS1) in the Balb/c mice and the changes of TIS gene expression in thymic carcinoma tissues and A549 and NCIH69 human lung cancer cell lines.In vivo induction of the TIS genes (TIS21, −8 and −1) by intraperitoneal injection of TPA was dramatic only at the needle contact site,i.e. in the abdominal muscle, not in the thigh muscle. Expression of TIS21 and TIS1 in the Balb/c mice thymus, lung, stomach and spleen was very strong (Lim IK et al. 1994a), regardless of TPA injection. Thymic carcinoma tissues developed in SV40-T-antigen-containing transgenic mice did not express TIS21 and TIS1, and expressed TIS8 weakly. Interestingly, induction of TIS21 expression was obliterated in the human lung cancer cells; A549 cells completely lost the ability to express TIS21 after a combined treatment of TPA and cycloheximide. We also measured the induction of TIS genes by TPA and/or cycloheximide in Raw264.7 mouse macrophage cells and U937 human histiocytic lymphoma cells. However, the induction profile was quite different; repressed and deregulated expression in the U937 cells as compared to rapid and transient induction of TIS genes in the Raw264.7 cells. These data may suggest a repressed expression of TIS21 and TIS1 in the cancer tissue and cells derived from the organs that constitutively express TIS21 in mice and in human cancer cells.