Intracranial Teratoma of the Newborn

TWENTY-FIVE cases of intracranial teratoma in newborn infants were discussed by Greenhouse in a review of the world literature in 1961.1 Since that time, scattered reports have confirmed the rarity of this lesion but also show an increased awareness of its occurrence.1-6 This report adds another case to the world literature and constitutes the first such report in the American pediatric literature. Report of a Case Clinical History.—This male infant was delivered by cesarean section of a gravida 2, para 1, 16-year-old mother on Jan 22, 1964. After a trial of labor, surgical intervention was made necessary by a cephalopelvic disproportion due to enlargement of the fetal head, diagnosed by x-ray studies. The mother received no antenatal care and had no drugs, illnesses or irradiation during the pregnancy. The infant was meconium stained, and the Apgar at birth was 4. Heartbeat and movements of the infant were normal,

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