Electron microscopic and antigenic studies of uncharacterized viruses. II. Evidence suggesting the placement of viruses in the familyBunyaviridae

This is the second of three papers describing the use of electron microscopy and antigenic analyses intended to characterize and place in taxa more than 60 previously unclassified viruses. The first paper of the series describes the viruses we classified as provisional members of the familiesArenaviridae, Paramyxoviridae, orPoxviridae; another paper, published separately, discusses theRhabdoviridae. In this paper we report that electron microscopy provided sufficient evidence to place 17 of these viruses (Belem, Erve, Estero Real, Mojui dos Campos, Nyando, Odrenisrou, Okola, Pacora, Para, Santarem, Tanga, Telok Forest, Termeil, Thiafora, Thottapalayam, Wanowrie, and Yacaaba) in the familyBunyaviridae and to support the observations of others that Yogue and Kasokero viruses are members of this virus family. Subsequent antigenic studies allowed us to place some of these viruses in recognized antigenic groups and to establish new antigenic groups for others.