The rarity of true turban tumor, benign epithelioma of the scalp or multiple cylindroma, is evident from the infrequent and diverse reports in the English literature. There have been but six reports in the literature of the United States since Cohn's1 in 1892. When Ronchese2 prepared his admirable article in 1932, there were but three reports. In addition to those of Cohn and Ronchese, there are those of Sutton3 and Jones, Alden and Bishop,4 Stillians'5 two cases and the one Ormsby6 presented before the Chicago Dermatological Society. The present paper deals mainly with the more common single cylindroma. In the past there have been serious difficulties in regard not only to the classification and terminology of these tumors but to their origin. Since the histologic appearance of this condition is characteristic, there should not be much difficulty in recognizing the nevus, provided biopsies are