Computed tomography and ultrasound in the evaluation of orbital infection and pseudotumor.

Twenty patients with orbital inflammatory processes were examined with high-resolution computed tomography (CT) and 14 of them were also evaluated with ultrasound (US). In 8 cases of orbital infection, 6 abscesses were localized by CT; US contributed no significant additional information. The 12 cases of orbital pseudotumor could be classified into 4 forms by CT. US added specificity to the CT findings, especially in the tumefactive form. In all 8 cases of pseudotumor where US was performed, low-reflective echoes were characteristically seen. Edema in the retrobulbar fascia (4 cases) was continuous with fluid along the optic nerve sheath (3 cases), and muscle enlargement was identified in 6 cases. These US features were found to be important in the differential diagnosis of intraorbital masses.