Bennett Ion Mass Spectrometers on the Pioneer Venus Bus And Orbiter

Identical Bennett radio frequency ion mass spectrometer instruments on the Pioneer Venus Bus and Orbiter have provided the first in-situ measurements of the detailed composition of the planet's ionosphere. The sensitivity, resolution, and dynamic range are sufficient to provide measurements of the solar-wind-induced bow-shock, the ionopause, and highly structured distributions of up to 16 thermal ion species within the ionosphere. The use of adaptive scan and detection circuits and servo-controlled logic for ion mass and energy analysis permits detection of ion concentrations as low as 5 ions/cm3 and ion flow velocities as large as 9 km/s for O+. A variety of commandable modes provides ion sampling rates ranging from 0.1 to 1.6 s between measurements of a single constituent. A lightweight sensor and electronics housing are features of a compact instrument package.