The critical current density Jc(T,H) of high-Tcsuperconducting oxides

YBaCuO, EuBaCuO and TlBaCaCuO superconductors have been prepared by solid-state reaction. The superconducting transition of the samples was measured by the four-point and mutual inductance methods. The zero-resistance temperature and onset of diamagnetism of the best TlBaCaCuO sample have reached 120 K and 117 K respectively. Their critical currents have been measured at zero and different magnetic fields in a temperature range of 63.5 K to 78 K. The highest Jc for a TlBaCaCuO sample in zero field at 78 K reached 1630 A cm-2. In low fields, their critical current density decreases sharply when the magnetic field is increased. The results show that superconducting weak links exist among superconducting grains in all the samples. But in higher magnetic fields, their critical current density slowly decreases with increasing field; this behaviour is roughly similar to that of the Nb3Sn superconducting material. The results of the measurement of lc at different temperatures shows that the lc is proportional to (Tc-T).

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