Dimensions of Adolescent Self-Concept Associated with Substance Use

Self-concept has been often examined in relation to adolescent substance use and research results have shown consistently strong association between the two. Yet, the authors maintain that the global construct is amorphous and lacking in defined boundaries that allow for planning and implementation of educational and treatment interventions that effectively impact self-concept. The purpose of the study was to examine the underlying dimensions of self-concept that relate to adolescent alcohol and drug use. Four constitutive dimensions of self-concept were identified through factor analysis. These four factors are negative image, self- confidence, bonding and effectiveness. All four self-concept measures were found to significantly correlate with both drug experimentation and frequency of drug use. Three of the self- concept factors (negative image, self-confidence, and effectiveness) are considered to be internally referenced. These dimensions of self-concept may be the cumulative effect of genetic, psychological and environmental forces. The intractable nature of internal self-concept dimensions may require intensive services and ongoing support services for effective treatment of deficits. However, the fourth self-concept factor, bonding, is primarily viewed as an externally-referenced factor. Remediation of bonding deficits calls for inclusion of significant others in the overall strategy of self-concept enhancement.