The flammability of various fibers was investigated by the vertical test, APEX test, 45° coil test and LOI (limiting oxygen index) test. The flash point and the ignition behavior were also studied with an electric furnace. The LOI value of the fiber was the most valuable for evaluating the flammability of the fiber.The tested fibers are classified as follows (in the parensis are shown the LOI or the LOI and the flash point, °C):(1) The most flammable fibers (LOI, 650].Acetate, cotton and rayon have the low flash and ignition points. Chinon has a higher flash and ignition points than the other and less flammable.(2) Flammable fibers (LOI, 20-25): Nylon 6 [20, 459], Nylon 66 [21, 461], PP [20, 448], PET [22, 448], MXD-6 [23, >650], Silk [23, 622], Wool [24, >650].MXD-6, silk and wool have higher flash points than the others. Silk and wool have a higher ignition point than MXD-6.(3) Flame-resistant fibers (LOI, 26-30. Flash point >650): Kanekalon (PVC/PVA) [26], Cordelan (PVC/PVA) [30], Nomex (aromatic polyamide) [30].(4) Highly flame-resistant fibers (LOI 31-50: Flash points, >650°C): Teviron (PVC) [35], FR cotton (treated with N-methyl dimethylphosphonopropionamide; P, 2%) [35], Krehalon (polyvinylidene chloride) [50], Kynol (crosslinked phenol formaldehyde resin) [35].Kynol shows the highest ignition point in this group of fibers.(5) Non-flammable fibers: Carbon, Glass.The thermogravimetric behaviors of fibers were studied and discussed in relation to the flammability of the fibers. Cotton, rayon and acetate show almost the same TGA curves with two rapid weight-decreasing temperature ranges. Nylons, PP, and PET show higher weight-decreasing temperature ranges than cotton, while Cordelan, Teviron, and Krehalon show lower weight-decreasing temperature ranges where non-flammable gases seem to be evolved. The TGA curves of Kanekalon, Exlan, and Chinon show three rapid weight-decreasing temperature ranges and those of carbon and Kynol have only one range.The amount of the residue at 600°C was in the order; Carbon (76.5%), Exlan (58.5%), Chinon (48.5%), Kanekalon (34.5%), Kynol (30.0%), Nomex (21.4%), MXD-6 (17.0%).

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