The nudeotide sequence of the Very Low Density Lipoprotein II mRNA from chicken

The nucleotide sequence of an almost complete, double-stranded cDNA of chicken Very Low Density Lipoprotein II mRNA, carried in recombinant plasmid pVLDLII 3.33 (Wieringa et al., 1979, 7: 2147-2163) is presented. A stretch of 318 nucleotides codes for the pre-VLDLII polypeptide, which consists of a 24 amino acids signal and a 82 amino acids secreted protein. The coding stretch is flanked by 57 nucleotides in the 5'-leader sequence of the mRNA, and 258 nucleotides in the 3'-non-coding region. Hypothetical self-complementary structures of parts of the mRNA are presented.