Multiple hemorrhoidal bandings in a single session

The aim of our study was to evaluate the risks of multiple hemorrhoidal bandings in a single session. We retrospectively examined all of the patients who had hemorrhoidal bandings from July 1989 to August 1992. Patients with multiple hemorrhoidal banding in a single session when compared with patients with single banding had greater discomfort and pain (29 percent vs. 4.5 percent), but this discomfort was usually manageable with oral analgesia of limited duration. There were also more vasovagal symptoms (5.2 percent vs. 0 percent), local swelling and edema (2.6 percent vs. 0 percent), and urinary hesitancy and frequency (12.3 percent vs. 0 percent) in the multiple-banded patients. No major complication such as massive delayed bleeding and perineal or pelvic sepsis was noted. Most patients tolerated multiple hemorrhoidal banding in a single session with acceptably low complications. Multiple banding in a single session is a safe and cost-effective alternative.