Distribution and Transport of Molting Hormones in the Crayfish, Orconectes limosus

When [3H]ecdysone is injected in intermolt crayfishes, about 60 - 70% of the total radioactivity are excreted within one hour as the unchanged hormone, but nearly no [3H]ecdysterone is ex­creted. The remaining [3H]ecdysone in the body is effectively converted to [3H] ecdysterone. In addition polar and apolar metabolites of both molting hormones can be extracted in an organ specific pattern. On the basis of radioactivity per g fresh weight hypodermis and male gonads and to a lesser extent hindgut and midgut gland contain most of the injected radioactivity. It can be demonstrated from in vitro experiments using the charcoal adsorption test and equilibrium dialysis that the cytosol of target tissues is able to bind both hormones with the highest capacity for hypo­dermis and male gonads. Both molting hormones do not appear to be bound to carrier proteins in the hemolymph.

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