In-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy ofSr82

The reaction O70,2p2n)82Sr with E(16O)=80 MeV was used to study the nucleus Sr82. Measurements were made of the excitation functions, angular distributions, and γ-γ-t coincidences. From these measurements six new levels were placed in the level scheme of Sr82 at 2683.7, 3609.2, 4367.1, 5308.4, 6364.4, and 7827.8 keV. A gamma ray with a very high anisotropy [A2=-1.05(7), A4=0.12(6)] feeds the (11) level at 5914.5 keV. A new band based on the level at 3525.7 keV was identified. The sequence of transitions decaying down the negative parity band was reordered to 522-1005-876-694 keV.