Towards a Realistic Model of Higgsless Electroweak Symmetry Breaking

  • 5 August 2003
We present a 5D gauge theory in warped space based on a bulk SU(2)_L x SU(2)_R x U(1)_(B-L) gauge group where the gauge symmetry is broken by boundary conditions. The symmetry breaking pattern and the mass spectrum resembles that in the standard model (SM). To leading order in the warp factor the rho parameter and the coupling of the Z (or equivalently the S-parameter) are as in the SM, while corrections are expected at the level of a percent. From the AdS/CFT point of view the model presented here can be viewed as the AdS dual of a (walking) technicolor-like theory, in the sense that it is the presence of the IR brane itself that breaks electroweak symmetry, and not a localized Higgs on the IR brane (which should be interpreted as a composite Higgs model). This model predicts the lightest W, Z and photon resonances to be at around 1.2 TeV, and no fundamental (or composite) Higgs particles.

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