Bury1in 1889 described a small number of cases of a curious erythema of the hands in which there were nodular thickening and induration of the skin. This disease may have been the same condition described later by Crocker and Williams (1894)2and named by them erythema elevatum diutinum. In 1929 Weidman and Besancon,3in presenting 2 cases, made a comprehensive bacteriologic and histologic study of the condition. From a lesion in one of the cases they isolated Streptococcus ignavus, which they suggested may have been a possible etiologic agent. They stressed in particular the rheumatic background in the majority of cases reported. Coombs and Bluefarb4in 1940 reported a case which histologically and clinically was similar to those of Weidman and Besancon. No attempt was made to carry out cultural studies. We are reporting a case which histologically and clinically conforms to those described by