Laplacian Electrograms and the Interpretation of Complex Ventricular Activation Patterns During Ventricular Fibrillation

Laplacian Electrograms and Ventricular Fihrillation. Introduction. During ventricular fibrillation (VF) interpretation of a local electrogram and determination of the local activation moment are hampered by remote activity or intervening repolarization waves. Successful defibrillation depends on critical timing of the shock relative to local activation. We tested the applicabillity of Laplacian electrograms for detection of the moment of local activation during VF.Methods and Results. From isolated perfased porcine infact heart, 247 local unipolar electrograms were recorded simultaneously (13 × 19 matrix, interelectrode distance 0.3 mm) from the left ventricular wall during sinus rhythm, following pacing or during VF, Activation maps were constructed based on local unipolar electrograms, and Laplacian electrograms were calculated from local electrograms ane its eight neighbors. The Laplacian electrogram displayed a sharp R/S complex with local activation iodicted by the moment of zero crossing without interference from remote activity or repolarization waves. Its amplitude increased with decreasing interelectrode distance, Following epicardial stimulation, Laplacian amplitude was significantly larger than during complexes with different morphology. Collision of wavefronts was associated with entirely positive Laplacian waveforms; “focal” appearancce of acitivity was associated with an entirely negative waveform. Activation block in the activation maps was correlated with the appearance of substanined episodes of negativity or positivity in the Laplacian electrogram (depending on the location of the recording site relative to the line of block).Conclusion. Laplacian electrograms allow detection of the moment of local activation without interference from remote activity or repolarization, especially during complex arrhythmias. The technique applied toe automatic sensing devices, such its the internal defibrillator, may optimize defibrtilation success. (J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol, Vol. 11, pp. 1119‐1128, October 2000)