Correlations in light emitted by three-level atoms

Correlations between the emission of photons from an excited three-level atom with one transition more strongly driven than the other are studied. Antibunching, anticorrelation, and superbunching are exhibited in the four possible configurations: ‘‘vee’’ (V), ‘‘lambda’’ (Λ), and two cascades with the upper or lower transition strongly driven. We pay particular attention to the projection of the atom into particular states by the measurement of fluorescence, and its significance for detecting quantum jumps in the weak transition by observing the fluorescence from the strong transition. For incoherent excitation we find that cross antibunching (the anticorrelation between emissions of different types of photons) manifests itself as prolonged periods of darkness. For the V and the cascade configuration with a strongly driven lower transition, these periods herald the emission of a weak-transition photon; for the other cascade and the Λ configuration the periods are heralded by the emission of a weak-transition photon. For on-resonance coherent excitation, dark periods are extremely infrequent for the former two configurations, and are extremely long or infinite for the latter two.

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