Review Article: Topical Review of the WISC-R for Pediatric Neuroclinicians

This article will familiarize neuroclinicians with the WISC-R and with the results of countless research studies on this popular test of the intelligence of children and adolescents. In addition to a description of the WISC-R and its subtests, and a discussion of the WISC-R from a historical context, the article reviews research in the following areas: (1) relationship of the WISC-R to Wechsler's preschool and adult scales; (2) interpretation of verbal-performance IQ differences; (3) clinical implications of scatter; (4) relationship of an IQ score to present and future functioning; and (5) comparison of IQs on the WISC-R with scores on other tests for children and adolescents. (J Child Neurol 1986;1:89-98.)