In a case of acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas, the values for lipolytic activity and particularly for amylolytic activity in the serum and the ascitic fluid were exceedingly high. It is possible that the high values were due entirely to obstruction of the pancreatic ducts, to obstructive pancreatitis or to absorption of enzymes from the pancreas and a pseudocyst. The values for enzymes were so much higher, however, than in any other case of carcinoma of the pancreas that some other explanation was sought. The possibility that the high values were due to functioning of the acinar cell carcinoma was examined and, while the data have been too incomplete to warrant the conclusion that the carcinoma was functioning, the possibility is an attractive one that deserves consideration in future cases of carcinoma of the pancreas with high values for amylolytic and lipolytic activity in the serum. The case has been reported to call attention to the possibility that acinar cell carcinomas of the pancreas may function and may be responsible for high values for enzymatic activity in the serum.