One and Two Photon Electron Ejection from TMPD in Fluids Supporting Large Electron Mobilities

The photoejection of electrons from tetramethylparaphenylenediamine in fluid solution has been examined by pulsed and steady light excitation. In addition to the previously documented tandem two quantum ejection of a quasifree electron in fluids, a one quantum ejection has been found and a kinetic interpretation given. The quasifree electron was observed through transient photocurrent measurement and the electron mobility in several silane and hydrocarbon fluids was estimated. The values found range from 93 cm2 V−1·sec−1 to 2 × 10−2 cm2 V−1·sec−1 in tetramethylsilane to hexane, respectively, and appear to be limited by features of solvent molecular structure. A continuum state of TMPD appears to lie at about 4.5 eV and higher. This state is accessible by a monophotonic process from the ground state of TMPD and by a biphotonic process via the triplet state of TMPD.