Mössbauer absorption and emission study of diluteFe2+impurities in cubic ZnS. Observation of metastable electronic levels. II. Dynamical Jahn-Teller effect study

In the Mössbauer source ZnS:Co57 the two excited spin-orbit triplets Γ4 and Γ5 of Fe2+ behave as metastable levels after being populated by the preceding nuclear decay. They contribute two slow relaxation quadrupole doublets to the emission spectra near zero kelvin. Both quadrupole splittings are reduced by the dynamical Jahn-Teller effect, but in very different ways: the reduction factors are, respectively, q(Γ4)0.92 and q(Γ5)0.40. These factors are interpreted by means of a coherent vibronic model where the low-energy TA(L) phonon of ZnS (ω70 cm1), which contributes a Γ3 vibrational mode, is coupled to the E5 state of Fe2+ with a Jahn-Teller energy EJT14 cm1. The covalency reduction of the spin-orbit parameter λ is found to be less important for Fe2+ in ZnS (λ=88.4±1.6 cm1) than for Fe2+ in CdTe (λ79 cm1). The isomer-shift values of the Γ1, Γ4, and Γ5 contributions are not identical because of different second-order Doppler shift values in these vibronic levels.