Magnetic anisotropy and magnetization processes in 3:29 and 1:12 Nd(FeTi)-based compounds

The temperature behavior of the magnetic anisotropy and magnetization processes in the tetragonal Nd(FeTi)12 and monoclinic Nd3(FeTi)29 have been studied and compared. Both compounds are characterized by the occurrence of temperature-induced spin reorientation transitions, as well as field-induced magnetization processes of different types, which have been interpreted as first-order magnetization process. In both systems the resultant anisotropy of Nd favors the occurrence of an easy magnetization direction out of the principal axes at low temperature. On the contrary the overall Fe sublattice anisotropy favors the tetragonal c-axis in the 1:12 and seems to prefer the monoclinic a-axis in the 3:29 compound.