A Buried Polar Interaction Can Direct the Relative Orientation of Helices in a Coiled Coil

Coiled coils consist of bundles of two or more alpha-helices that are aligned in a parallel or an antiparallel relative orientation. The designed peptides, Acid-p1 and Base-p1, associate in solution to form a parallel, heterodimeric two-stranded coiled coil [O'Shea, E. K., Lumb, K. J., and Kim, P. S. (1993) Curr. Biol. 3, 658]. The buried interface of this complex is formed by hydrophobic Leu residues, with the exception of an Asn residue from each strand that is positioned to engage in a buried polar interaction. Substitution of these buried Asn residues by Leu residues results in a loss of structural uniqueness, as evidenced by a lack of a particular helix orientation in the Acid-Base coiled-coil complex [Lumb, K. J., and Kim, P. S. (1995) Biochemistry 34, 8642]. Here, we alter the positions of the Asn residues in the Acid and Base peptides such that a buried polar interaction is only expected to occur when the helices are in an antiparallel orientation. The resulting peptides, Acid-a1 and Base-a1, associate to form a helical heterodimer, as shown by circular dichroism (CD) and equilibrium sedimentation centrifugation. The helix orientation preference has been measured using covalently linked, disulfide-containing heterodimers in which the constituent peptides are constrained to interact in either a parallel or an antiparallel orientation. Although both the parallel and antiparallel heterodimers form stable, helical structures, the antiparallel heterodimer is the predominant species at equilibrium when the heterodimers are allowed to undergo thiol-disulfide exchange. In addition, the antiparallel heterodimer is more stable to chemical denaturation than the parallel counterpart by approximately 2.3 kcal/mol. These results demonstrate that a single buried polar interaction in the interface between the helices of a coiled coil is sufficient to determine the relative orientation of its constituent helices.