Real time ultrasound scanning of the head in neonates and infants, including a correlation between ultrasound and computed tomography

The results of ultrasound (US) head scans performed in a children's hospital over a 6 month period have been reviewed and correlated with the results of computed tomography (CT). Two hundred and twenty-four scans were performed on 141 children ranging in age from a few days to 18 months. The clinical indications with which these children were referred were: abnormal neurological symptoms or signs, screening for hydrocephalus in neural tube defects (NTD), enlarging heads, suspected intra-cranial haemorrhage (ICH) and its sequelae, suspected complications of meningitis, investigations of suspected syndromes and following trauma. Twenty-nine of these children also had CT scans. There was good correlation between the two examinations and in only one case (a subdural collection) was a serious abnormality missed by US. US head scanning has been found to be a very reliable technique. It is the initial investigation of choice for imaging the brain of neonates and infants and in many instances it is the only investigation necessary.