Absorption, Translocation, and Activity of CGA-136872, DPX-V9360, and Glyphosate in Rhizome Johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense)

Rhizome johnsongrass grown in the greenhouse and treated with glyphosate at 1680 g ai ha−1 at an early (3- to 4-leaf) or late (6- to 8-leaf) growth stage displayed injury within a week. Plants treated with CGA-136872 or DPX-V9360 at 40 g ai ha−1 at both growth stages displayed injury 1 to 2 weeks later. CGA-136872 did not prevent regrowth at either growth stage. No regrowth occurred from DPX-V9360 or glyphosate-treated plants. Foliar absorption by greenhouse-grown plants within 24 h of application was greater with 14C-glyphosate than with 14C-DPX-V9360 or 14C-CGA-136872. More 14C-DPX-V9360 was absorbed than 14C-CGA-136872. Growth stage influenced glyphosate absorption (more by younger plants) but not CGA-136872 or DPX-V9360 absorption. Translocation of the 14C-CGA-136872 and 14C-DPX-V9360 out of the treated leaf was less than 20% of the absorbed label and was less than glyphosate translocation. Growth stage of rhizome johnsongrass at the time of treatment had no effect on the distribution of radiolabeled herbicides within 24 h.