On the non-local electron kinetics in spatially periodic striation-like fields

The fundamental questions of the formation of the electron distribution function are investigated by numerically solving the Boltzmann kinetic equation in sinusoidal modulated fields for two limiting cases; domination of either elastic or inelastic energy loss in the electron energy balance. The role of non-local effects is demonstrated in the formation of both the distribution function and macroscopic properties, such as electron density and average energy, excitation and ionization rates. The phase shifts of these parameters are considered, which are responsible for the propagation of the ionization wave. Stratification mechanisms differ considerably for these two cases and are determined by the peculiarities of the electron non-local kinetics, whereas the fluid models of striations are inapplicable. Precise calculations are carried out for a discharge in neon for two cases observed in real experiments at low and intermediate pressures and small currents.